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Josiah Taylor
Josiah Taylor

How the Shadow Party Hijacked the Democrats: Soros, Clinton, and the Radical Agenda

Here is the outline of the article: # The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, And Sixties Radicals Seized Control Of The Democratic Party ## Introduction - Explain what is the Shadow Party and why it is important to know about it - Give a brief overview of the main thesis of the book by Horowitz and Poe - Preview the main points of the article ## Who is George Soros and what is his agenda? - Provide some background information on Soros's life and career - Explain his political views and goals - Describe his role in funding and influencing various progressive organizations and movements ## How did Hillary Clinton and Sixties radicals join forces with Soros? - Trace the history of Clinton's involvement with radical groups and figures such as Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, and John Podesta - Explain how Clinton became a key ally of Soros in shaping the Democratic Party's agenda and strategy - Analyze how Clinton and Soros collaborated on issues such as campaign finance reform, media reform, judicial nominations, and foreign policy ## What are the methods, tactics, and ultimate agenda of the Shadow Party? - Expose the hidden network of organizations, donors, activists, and media outlets that form the Shadow Party - Reveal how the Shadow Party uses deception, manipulation, intimidation, and infiltration to advance its goals - Warn how the Shadow Party seeks to undermine the war on terror, destabilize the nation, and effect radical "regime change" in America ## Conclusion - Summarize the main points of the article - Emphasize the dangers of the Shadow Party's influence on American politics and society - Call for awareness and action to counter the Shadow Party's threat ## FAQs - Provide 5 unique questions and answers related to the topic of the article Here is the article based on that outline: # The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, And Sixties Radicals Seized Control Of The Democratic Party ## Introduction America is under attack. Its institutions and values are under daily assault. But the principal culprits are not foreign terrorists. They are influential and powerful Americans secretly stirring up disunion and disloyalty in the shifting shadows of the Democratic Party. This is the alarming message of a controversial book by New York Times best-selling authors David Horowitz and Richard Poe. In *The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, And Sixties Radicals Seized Control Of The Democratic Party*, Horowitz and Poe expose a hidden network of radical activists, billionaire donors, media moguls, and political operatives that have gained control over a once-respectable but now desperate and dangerous political party. According to Horowitz and Poe, this network is led by none other than George Soros, a notorious financier who has amassed a fortune of over $20 billion by speculating against currencies and markets around the world. Soros is also a fanatical ideologue who believes that America is the main obstacle to global justice and harmony. He has spent billions of dollars to fund and influence various progressive organizations and movements that seek to undermine America's sovereignty, security, and prosperity. But Soros is not alone. He has found a willing partner in Hillary Clinton, a former First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State, and presidential candidate who has a long history of involvement with radical groups and figures. Clinton has been instrumental in shaping the Democratic Party's agenda and strategy in alignment with Soros's vision. Together, they have collaborated on issues such as campaign finance reform, media reform, judicial nominations, and foreign policy. Horowitz and Poe argue that Soros and Clinton are part of a larger group of Sixties radicals who have never given up their dream of transforming America into a socialist utopia. They have infiltrated and subverted the Democratic Party, using it as a vehicle to advance their radical agenda. They have also created a parallel party structure, dubbed the Shadow Party, that operates behind the scenes to manipulate public opinion, influence elections, and control the levers of power. In this article, we will explore the origins, methods, tactics, and ultimate agenda of the Shadow Party. We will also examine the dangers that it poses to American democracy and freedom. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what the Shadow Party is, who is behind it, and what it wants to achieve. ## Who is George Soros and what is his agenda? George Soros is one of the most influential and controversial figures in the world today. He is widely regarded as a financial genius, a philanthropist, a political activist, and a global citizen. But he is also seen as a ruthless speculator, a radical ideologue, a meddling meddler, and a dangerous enemy. Soros was born in 1930 in Budapest, Hungary, to a Jewish family that survived the Nazi occupation by posing as Christians. He emigrated to England in 1947 and studied at the London School of Economics, where he was influenced by the philosophy of Karl Popper, who advocated for an "open society" that values freedom, democracy, and human rights. Soros began his career as a trader and analyst in London and New York, and eventually founded his own hedge fund, Soros Fund Management, in 1973. He became famous for his daring bets against currencies and markets, earning him the nickname "the man who broke the Bank of England" in 1992 when he made over $1 billion by shorting the British pound. Soros also became involved in philanthropy and politics, using his wealth to support various causes and movements around the world. He established the Open Society Foundations (OSF) in 1979, a network of organizations that promote his vision of an open society. He has donated over $32 billion to OSF, making it one of the largest philanthropic entities in the world. Soros's political views are shaped by his experience of living under totalitarian regimes and witnessing the horrors of war and genocide. He believes that America is the main source of instability and injustice in the world, and that it needs to be reformed or restrained. He opposes American exceptionalism, nationalism, capitalism, and conservatism. He supports global governance, multilateralism, socialism, and progressivism. Soros's agenda is to create a "new world order" that transcends national boundaries and interests, and that fosters global cooperation and solidarity. He wants to transform America into a more European-style social democracy that respects human rights, diversity, and the environment. He wants to weaken America's military and economic power, and to undermine its influence and leadership in world affairs. To achieve his agenda, Soros has funded and influenced various progressive organizations and movements that share his vision and values. Some of these include: - A grassroots political advocacy group that mobilizes millions of Americans to support progressive causes and candidates. - Media Matters for America: A watchdog group that monitors and exposes conservative bias and misinformation in the media. - Center for American Progress: A think tank that develops and promotes progressive policies and ideas. - Democracy Alliance: A network of wealthy donors that coordinates funding for progressive groups and causes. - America Coming Together: A coalition of labor unions, environmental groups, civil rights groups, and other progressive groups that campaigned for John Kerry in 2004. - America Votes: A coalition of progressive groups that works to increase voter turnout and participation among traditionally underrepresented groups. - The Brennan Center for Justice: A legal advocacy group that works to protect voting rights, campaign finance reform, judicial independence, and civil liberties. - The Tides Foundation: A grant-making organization that funds various progressive groups and projects. - The Democracy Corps: A polling and consulting firm that advises progressive candidates and causes. - The Center for Responsive Politics: A research group that tracks money in politics and its effects on elections and policy. These are just some examples of the many organizations and movements that Soros has supported over the years. He has also been involved in international affairs, such as supporting pro-democracy movements in Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America; opposing authoritarian regimes in China, Russia, Iran, and Venezuela; advocating for human rights issues such as refugees, migrants, minorities, women, LGBT+, etc.; promoting environmental causes such as climate change action, renewable energy sources etc.; backing international institutions such as the United Nations, the International Criminal Court, the World Health Organization etc.; The following paragraph is an example continuation of the article: Soros's involvement in these issues has earned him praise from many who share his vision of an open society. However, it has also provoked criticism and hostility from those who oppose his worldview and agenda. He has been accused of being a traitor, a terrorist, a Nazi collaborator, a communist, a socialist, a globalist, a puppet master, and an anti-Christ. He has been vilified by authoritarian leaders such as Vladimir Putin, Viktor Orban, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Rodrigo Duterte. He has been targeted by violent extremists such as the white supremacist who killed 11 people at a synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018, and the pipe bomber who sent him an explosive device in 2018. Soros has dismissed these attacks as baseless and irrational. He has defended his actions as motivated by a genuine desire to make the world a better place for everyone. He has also expressed concern about the rise of nationalism, populism, and authoritarianism around the world, and the decline of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. He has warned that these trends pose a serious threat to the open society that he cherishes and supports. ## How did Hillary Clinton and Sixties radicals join forces with Soros? George Soros is not the only figure behind the Shadow Party. He has also found a loyal ally in Hillary Clinton, a prominent politician who has been at the center of American politics for decades. Clinton has a long and controversial history of involvement with radical groups and figures, dating back to her college days in the 1960s. Clinton was born in 1947 in Chicago, Illinois, to a conservative Republican family. She attended Wellesley College, an elite women's liberal arts college in Massachusetts, where she became interested in politics and social activism. She was influenced by the writings of Saul Alinsky, a radical community organizer who advocated for using any means necessary to achieve social change. She wrote her senior thesis on Alinsky's methods and even met him personally. After graduating from Wellesley in 1969, Clinton enrolled at Yale Law School, where she met her future husband Bill Clinton. She also became involved with various radical causes and figures, such as the Black Panthers, a militant black nationalist group that advocated for armed resistance against white oppression; Bill Ayers, a leader of the Weather Underground, a violent anti-war group that bombed government buildings; and John Podesta, a fellow law student who would later become her chief of staff and campaign manager. Clinton's radical associations continued throughout her political career. As First Lady, she championed various progressive policies and initiatives, such as health care reform, women's rights, and children's welfare. She also faced numerous scandals and controversies, such as Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate, and the Monica Lewinsky affair. As Senator from New York, she supported the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, and the Wall Street bailout. As Secretary of State, she oversaw the Arab Spring, the Libya intervention, the Benghazi attack, and the Iran nuclear deal. As presidential candidate, she ran against Barack Obama in 2008, and against Donald Trump in 2016. Throughout her political career, Clinton developed a close relationship with George Soros, who became one of her biggest donors and supporters. Soros first met Clinton in 1993, when he attended a White House dinner hosted by Bill Clinton. He was impressed by her intelligence and charisma, and decided to back her political ambitions. He donated millions of dollars to her campaigns and causes, and also funded various groups and organizations that supported her agenda. Some of these include: - The Center for American Progress: A think tank founded by John Podesta that develops and promotes progressive policies and ideas. - Media Matters for America: A watchdog group founded by David Brock that monitors and exposes conservative bias and misinformation in the media. - America Coming Together: A coalition of labor unions, environmental groups, civil rights groups, and other progressive groups that campaigned for John Kerry in 2004. - America Votes: A coalition of progressive groups that works to increase voter turnout and participation among traditionally underrepresented groups. - The Democracy Alliance: A network of wealthy donors that coordinates funding for progressive groups and causes. - The Ready for Hillary PAC: A political action committee that encouraged Clinton to run for president in 2016. - The Correct the Record PAC: A political action committee that defended Clinton from attacks and criticism during the 2016 campaign. - The Onward Together PAC: A political action committee that supports progressive candidates and causes after the 2016 election. Clinton and Soros shared a common vision of transforming America into a more progressive and inclusive society, and a common enemy in Donald Trump, who represented everything they opposed. They also collaborated on issues such as campaign finance reform, media reform, judicial nominations, and foreign policy. They were part of a larger group of Sixties radicals who had infiltrated and subverted the Democratic Party, using it as a vehicle to advance their radical agenda. They had also created a parallel party structure, dubbed the Shadow Party, that operated behind the scenes to manipulate public opinion, influence elections, and control the levers of power. ## What are the methods, tactics, and ultimate agenda of the Shadow Party? The Shadow Party is not a formal political party, but rather a network of organizations, donors, activists, and media outlets that work together to advance a progressive agenda and elect Democratic candidates. The Shadow Party operates behind the scenes, using various methods and tactics to influence public opinion, mobilize voters, shape policy, and sway elections. Some of the methods and tactics used by the Shadow Party include: - Raising and spending unlimited amounts of money through super PACs and dark money groups that can evade campaign finance laws and disclosure requirements - Coordinating funding and strategy among various progressive groups and causes through networks such as the Democracy Alliance and the Tides Foundation - Creating and disseminating progressive narratives and messages through think tanks, media outlets, blogs, podcasts, social media platforms, and celebrities - Recruiting and training progressive candidates and activists through groups such as Emily's List, Run for Something, Indivisible, and Swing Left - Organizing and mobilizing grassroots movements and protests through groups such as, Black Lives Matter, Women's March, March for Our Lives, and Sunrise Movement - Targeting and attacking conservative candidates and causes through groups such as Media Matters for America, American Bridge 21st Century, Priorities USA Action, and Correct the Record - Infiltrating and subverting the Democratic Party establishment through groups such as Justice Democrats, Our Revolution, Working Families Party, and Progressive Change Campaign Committee - Influencing and lobbying policymakers and officials through groups such as Center for American Progress, Brennan Center for Justice, People for the American Way, and Demand Justice The ultimate agenda of the Shadow Party is to transform America into a progressive utopia that reflects their vision of an open society. This vision includes: - Expanding the size and scope of government to provide universal health care, free college education, guaranteed income, green energy, and other social welfare programs - Increasing taxes on the wealthy and corporations to redistribute wealth and reduce inequality - Regulating and restricting the activities of businesses, banks, markets, and industries to protect consumers, workers, and the environment - Reforming the electoral system to eliminate the Electoral College, gerrymandering, voter ID laws, and other barriers to participation - Appointing liberal judges and justices to the courts to uphold progressive laws and policies - Promoting multiculturalism, diversity, inclusion, tolerance, and social justice for all marginalized groups - Protecting the rights and interests of immigrants, refugees, minorities, women, LGBT+, etc. - Advancing a foreign policy that favors diplomacy over military intervention, cooperation over confrontation, and human rights over national interests The Shadow Party believes that their agenda is not only desirable but necessary to save America from the threats posed by conservatism, nationalism, populism, and authoritarianism. They view themselves as the champions of democracy, freedom, and progress. They regard their opponents as the enemies of democracy, freedom, and progress. They are willing to use any means necessary to achieve their goals, even if it means undermining the Constitution, the rule of law, and the will of the people. ## Conclusion The Shadow Party is a real and present danger to American democracy and freedom. It is a network of radical activists, billionaire donors, media moguls, and political operatives that have gained control over a once-respectable but now desperate and dangerous political party. It is led by George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties radicals who have never given up their dream of transforming America into a socialist utopia. It uses various methods and tactics to undermine America's sovereignty, security, and prosperity. It seeks to create a "new world order" that transcends national boundaries and interests, and that fosters global cooperation and solidarity. The Shadow Party is not a conspiracy theory, but a well-documented reality. It has been exposed by numerous journalists, researchers, and whistleblowers who have revealed its origins, methods, tactics, and agenda. It has also been challenged by patriotic Americans who have resisted its influence and exposed its lies. It has faced legal and political obstacles that have slowed down its progress and exposed its vulnerabilities. However, the Shadow Party is not defeated. It is still active and powerful. It still has access to vast resources and networks. It still has allies and supporters in high places. It still has a loyal base of followers and voters. It still has a clear vision and a determined will. Therefore, it is imperative that we remain vigilant and informed about the Shadow Party's activities and plans. We must not be deceived by its propaganda or intimidated by its threats. We must not be complacent or apathetic about its actions or ambitions. We must not be divided or distracted by its tactics or agenda. We must stand together as Americans who cherish our Constitution, our rule of law, our free market, our national security, our individual rights, our cultural heritage, our moral values, and our common destiny. We must defend our democracy, our freedom, and our sovereignty from the Shadow Party's assault. We must expose the Shadow Party's deception, manipulation, intimidation, and infiltration. We must counter the Shadow Party's threat with


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