Remembering Simplified Hanzi Book 2 Pdf Download |LINK|
DescriptionThis deck is designed to accompany Remembering Simplified Hanzi 1 (and book 2), and you will need those books in order to use this deck.A unique property of this deck is that it also allows you to learn Heisig's characters "out of sequence" while still using Heisig's general method. That means you can use this deck and Heisig's books to easily learn characters in any order you want, not only the order they are presented in the books. This is very useful if you want to learn how to read and write characters and words as you encounter them in other learning materials. Of course, you can also use this deck to learn the characters in the order presented in the books.In order to allow this "out of sequence" approach, I created a database that encoded all of the Heisig characters and primitive elements with their keywords, the sub-components they use, and any additional keywords that reference the characters when they are used as primitives for other characters. Then I created a program to crunch through the data, and created a "map" that you can use for an arbitrary character in order to find all of the primitives and characters you need to learn first in order to learn that particular character. This "map" for each character is included in this deck to allow you to learn all of the sub-components needed for a character before learning the character itself.In order to use the "out of sequence" approach:Use Anki's browser to find the character you want to use in the deck. (You can copy-and-paste the character if you already have it in electronic form, or look it up in the indices in the back of the Heisig books, and then find it by keyword.)
Copy the text of the ComponentsSearch field for that character into the Browser's search field, and perform the search. This will find the character and all of it's sub-components that you haven't yet learned (that is, all of the sub-components of the new character that are "suspended" or not actively being learned or reviewed).
Select all of the results from the search, and un-suspend them (make them active for learning and review).
Exit the browser, and start learning the characters using Anki.
The first time a new character or primitive is presented to you in Anki, you will want to look it up in the appropriate book in order to add an appropriate story which you will associate with the character in order to remember which sub-components it uses and how to write it. Information on the card helps you easily look the character up in the books. Some hints for learning new characters: Because primitive frames in the book are not numbered, the "Heisig Number" for primitives is of the form v1p236, which is interpreted as volume (book) 1, page 236.
You can also click on the stroke-count on the card to link to a web page that shows the animated stroke order for the character. (This link will not work for primitives or character marked with "p.")
The keywords link to the Koohii Remembering the Hanzi site. As I write this (July 2015), the site appears to be down. I'm not sure if this is temporary or permanent, but assuming the site returns, it is a good resource for finding example stories for the characters. (This will not work for primitives or character marked with "p.")
The characters themselves link to an on-line Chinese dictionary which gives more information about the use of the characters. (This will not work for primitives or character marked with "p.")
Use Anki as normal to learn and review the characters.
Some notes on using the deck:While creating this deck, I used a shared deck that I downloaded a couple of years ago, which included all of the characters from both books, plus their keywords, stroke counts, and pinyin (for book 1). That deck saved me quite a bit of work in creating this deck. As far as I can tell, that original deck is no longer available for download, and I'm not sure who originally created it, so unfortunately I can't give proper credit. But whoever you were, thanks!
The character numbering is from the edition of the books that I own, I've heard that the numbering has changed slightly between editions, so be aware...
Besides potential numbering issues, I'm sure there are various errors lurking in the deck! I haven't tested or extensively used the deck at this time, but I've already found (and corrected) several errors. If you find errors, or have suggestions for how to make the deck easier to use, please email me: at gmail dot com with the subject "Anki RSH Deck".
In general, the recommend approach is to keep all characters in the Anki deck "suspended" (inactive) until you actually start learning them. That is how the ComponentsSearch filed mentioned above is designed to work.
If you aren't familiar with the Heisig method, you might want to at least do the first several lessons from the book in the normal order, as presented in the book. This will help you learn more about how the method works, give you various examples that will help you create your own stories (later characters do not include stories, just keywords), and also introduces you to many of the most frequently re-used primitives and characters. The Anki deck includes tags which indicate which lesson each character appears in to help you quickly find and un-suspend all characters from a given lesson (see "Tags" below).
Primitives: When using the Heisig books in the normally way, you wouldn't usually review the "primitive" elements Heisig uses, only the characters. This is because once a primitive is introduced, it is usually used in multiple new characters immediately, so you generally wouldn't have any problems remembering it. However, using this "out of sequence" method, you may not encounter another character using the same primitive for quite some time, meaning it is more likely you'll forget it. Therefore, this deck include the primitive characters as cards that can be reviewed as well. Primitive element keywords and characters are all marked with "p." so you will know they refer to a primitive and not a character (some characters and primitives share the same keyword) and are are tagged "Primitive" for easily finding them in the Browser.
Some primitives are not standard characters or radicals available in the Unicode character sets, so some of the primitives in the deck are images. These images were created from the SimSun font on a Windows computer, and depending on your display, operating system, available fonts, etc. the primitives with images may be displayed in a different font and/or size than the other characters. All primitives which use and image are tagged "PrimitiveImage".
I've included the traditional characters on each card in cases where they differ from the simplified characters. I want to learn to recognize the traditional equivalents, though I don't really care about remembering how to write them (at least for now). If you aren't interested in the traditional characters, you may want to suspend those cards, or delete the "Traditional" card template. Also, be aware that I used Google Translate to get the list of traditional characters. Since a single simplified character can occasionally map to multiple traditional characters, I can't guarantee that all of the traditional characters are the correct ones for the keyword used for the simplified character. If you find any errors, please let me know.
Heisig recommends that you only review from keyword to character, not from character to keyword. I've included the character to keyword cards, because I know some people like to use them. However, if you want to follow Heisig's advice, either suspend those cards or delete the "Hanzi" card template.
Tags:RSH : Remembering Simplified Hanzi - all cards in the deck are marked with this tag to make them easier to find if you combine the deck with other decks.
RSH1 : Remembering the Simplified Hanzi, book 1 - all cards from book one are marked with this tag.
RSH2 : Remembering Simplified Hanzi, book 2 - all cards from book two are marked with this tag.
RSH[X]-[YY] (e.g. RSH1-02) : Remembering Simplified Hanzi, book X, lesson YY - all characters are tagged with the lesson in which they appear (e.g. RSH1-02 means book 1, lesson 2).
DiffSimpTrad : Character is written Differently in Simplified and Traditional forms.
Primitive : tags all Primitive elements, or previously used characters given a new primitive keyword (this occurs occasionally, especially in book 2).
PrimitiveImage : marks primitives that are represented by an image instead of a Unicode character.
Somewhat interesting data I learned while creating this deck:On average, Heisig's characters have about 5 characters or primitives that they depend on. That means if you don't know any characters or primitives at all, and you randomly pick a Heisig character to learn, on average you'd have to learn 5 other characters or primitives first in order to learn how to write the character. Since characters and primitives are frequently reused as building blocks, the more characters you learn, the fewer new characters and primitives you will have to learn for each new character.
The maximum number of sub-components that you would possibly need to learn for a Heisig character is 15. (There are only 2 such characters.)
Updates on 2018-DEC-10Added primitive images to shared deck.
Removed the link for keywords to, since the site no longer exists.
Fixed links on stroke count that show animations of strokes.
Fixed some formatting on cards.
Sample (from 3225 notes) Cards are customizable! When this deck is imported into the desktop program, cards will appear as the deck author has made them. If you'd like to customize what appears on the front and back of a card, you can do so by clicking the Edit button, and then clicking the Cards button. Hanzi 钞 Traditional 鈔 HeisigNumber 1613 HeisigSequence 1755 Keyword paper money ComponentsSearch deck:current tag:RSH is:suspended (hanzi:钞 or keyword:"few" or keyword:"p.a drop of" or keyword:"king" or keyword:"small" or keyword:"gold" or keyword:"p.umbrella") Story StrokeCount 9 Pinyin Tags RSH RSH2 RSH2-12 Hanzi 尬 Traditional HeisigNumber 2500 HeisigSequence 2687 Keyword embarrassed ComponentsSearch deck:current tag:RSH is:suspended (hanzi:尬 or keyword:"p.crutches" or keyword:"remarkable" or keyword:"p.a drop of" or keyword:"introduce" or keyword:"pooch" or keyword:"large" or keyword:"p.frankenbowser" or keyword:"youngster" or keyword:"p.umbrella") Story StrokeCount 7 Pinyin Tags RSH RSH2 RSH2-37 SameSimpTrad Hanzi 泛 Traditional HeisigNumber 2254 HeisigSequence 2421 Keyword nonspecific ComponentsSearch deck:current tag:RSH is:suspended (hanzi:泛 or keyword:"p.a drop of" or keyword:"of" or keyword:"water" or keyword:"weary") Story StrokeCount 7 Pinyin Tags RSH RSH2 RSH2-31 SameSimpTrad After the file is downloaded, double-click on it to open it in the desktop program.
Remembering Simplified Hanzi Book 2 Pdf Download